Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Red's Inspirations: Just say no to bird poop

You can not prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head. But you can prevent them from making nests in your hair. - Chinese Proverb

My take: I love this quote!  But I think it would be better if it said it like it is though... maybe something more like 'Bird poop happens but hats are generally impenetrable.'

Our attitudes should be just that...'impenetrable'. Or to break it down even more.... 'I'm made of rubber, you're made of glue...' You know the rest.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

One man's 'Boring' is another man's bliss

Make new friends, but keep the old. Some are silver and some are gold.

I'm sitting here thinking... thinking... thinking. I've thumbed through all my notebooks that I can find thinking perhaps I will post an old poem. Nope- nothing I feel like sharing.

Think think think.... listen to music... sing along... think think think. Change music. Think some more. Sing along.

I've got it! I just need to turn the music off. Then I will be able to concentrate.

But wait... I love this song. I'll wait til this song is over.
Listen to music. Stare at blank screen. Next song comes on. Stare at blank screen some more. Start to think harder about what to write...sing along to music.

An mp3 player set to 'Random' is worse than reality tv... what's coming up next??? Don't turn it off before you see what's next... wouldn't want to miss anything good right? But it's all good.

Then my husband says to me... "What music is that? Is that playing on AOL?'

I say, 'No, it's my Playlist.'

He says, 'Go to BBC Imusic (or something along those lines) They have 80's, World... you name it. All kinds of stuff. You will find something new.'

I say, "But dear... I don't want anything 'new'. I like what's on my play list. That is why it is on my playlist.'

He says, 'Don't you like to listen to new stuff?'




"You don't like to just listen to learn about new music you might like?'

I say, 'I'm not adverse to new music, but when I like something... I kind of want to hear it. I search out an artist or a song that I like and read all the lyrics on the albums, listen to clips, etc. I have plenty 'new' exposure. I watch videos. I exchange CD's with friends... but I like what I like and don't see the need to waste very much of my time LOOKING for what I MIGHT like. Simple.'

Seems pretty logical to me. But apparently I'm a bit simplistic for his sophisticated music repertoire.

Am I wrong for only wanting to spend my music listening time on the good stuff? If I had all the time in the world, sure I could easily waste a few hours following links on Youtube or browsing for new stuff, but I prefer to use my time on what I know I'll enjoy. How do you feel about the exploration of music vs. the old faithful, memorable and sentimental favorites?

It's all part of the reason why he hates taking me to Subway. I order a tuna sandwich every time. And I savor how wonderful it is, every time. We go to a restaurant- I order a Patty Melt.  He says I'm boring, but at least I always enjoy my dinner. The same can't always be said for him. We order Pizza- he gets all kinds of toppings trying to build up on the flavors and get the most out of it.  I order a very basic type-  no Sausage, no Salami, no Pineapple, no Tomato, no Green Pepper. You know... just ground beef, maybe pepperoni,  onion, olive, mushroom, maybe JalapeƱo. There are just certain flavors that are work well together... it doesn't mean you can't like all that other stuff, but you ruin it by over doing it. My pizza toppings choices are pretty much the same every time, and it seems to be EVERYONE elses' favorite everytime too and seems to disappear first. Where as, he is the only one who eats his- and he always partakes of mine as well and enjoys it very much. I always enjoy mine.  Now I ask you... who is smarter?

  Which makes most sense? New and unusual- but also unproven; or -  faithful standby that always gives enjoyment?