If you recall the sketchy coworker who had asked for my phone number ( to which I gave none) ... as it turns out- I'm SO happy that I didn't!
One night the assistant manager was 'working' (ahem) at the managers desk. I myself was toiling away at my own nightly tasks when I hear Jane say to the assistant...'Oh hey, while you are back there will you give me Sue's phone number out of the book?' Assistant asked, 'Why?' Jane said, 'Because I was supposed to call her tonight.' Assistant says, 'Ok.'
I leaned back so I could see the assistant and I said to her...'I wouldn't'. She looked at me, puzzled, and said, 'Why?'. I said, 'I wouldn't be very happy at all if someone gave out my number.'
A few days later I was working with Sue and I told her that Jane was asking management to retrieve your number for her. Sue said, 'Why?' I told her that Jane said she was SUPPOSED to call you, like you were expecting it so it was OK. Sue said 'Oh hell no! Do you know I gave that girl a ride home once, to be nice, and she ended up asking me for a ride out of town, said she had to pick something up in Glennville.. at midnight!'
I instantly felt justification for all the times I jes looked at her when she gave a sob story about how she didn't know how she was going to get home after work. I've been sooo close to offering... it just never worked out that we left at the same time on a night that she was needing a ride. So I never had to and thank goodness! I'm so glad I didn't even say 'I would BUT...'. Thankfully I've never felt quite gracious enough and I don't feel bad about it now.
Nor do I feel bad for being a bit judgmental about whether or not she's the kind of person I want to have my phone number as I did in my previous post about her asking for it. I just hope I can keep up the rouse that I have forgotten to do so. It's OK to chose your friends. And no one else needs my phone number.
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