Sunday, August 28, 2011


Why- when you know why and all the logic is there, do we still react in the ways that we do?

Why- when you have first hand knowledge of how it feels to be in a situation do we put our self or others in said situation?

Why- don't we have the means to rise above our human natures when we are very well aware of our own very human natures and what it is that makes us how we are and why we react the way we do?

Why are we weak to the things that bring us turmoil when we know it isn't necessary to feel that way and that it's just a matter of understanding needed.

But- we understand. We do. We've been there. Of course we understand. Of course I understand. I don't know much of anything right now, but I understand that I just need to understand.

Why is it not through understanding, that we learn from our mistakes?

Why does the propensity to make mistakes and or create MISunderstandings still exist and live it's self out groundhog's day style?

Why can't we succeed after all the lessons are taught and learned?

Why does the knowledge lie there as useless as a limp noodle?

It can not even lure the bluebird of happiness to us with out our own intervention of shaking and jostling.

Any why then, in an effort to do so, do we shake up and jostle our fragile worlds into vague memories of happiness caught in a net?

Why so many holes?

Why so much space between?

And why is there no light coming through all those holes and spaces?

Since when does the blue bird of happiness fly in the dark?

And since when do we not even know what anything means anymore?


  1. Wow. That's a lot of questions. Good ones, too. Off to ponder them. Thanks!

  2. Lol, yep. Sometimes you just have a lot of questions in your head! I was only slightly less confused after getting that all out.


What's in your head?