Saturday, August 16, 2014

Property Porn....
 1. I'm having issues with my pics right now, but if I could get this first pic bigger, you would see the pink vertical line of a rainbow... this was by the way, just to the right of a lightening storm. A rainbow and a lightening storm... never in my life did I think I'd ever see those two things at once.
 2. This view is from the back lower side of the property, looking up to the house. The sun is extra orange and quite easy to look at due to a haze of 8 forest fires resulting from previous lightening storms the night before.
 3. This was taken minutes before the rainbow in picture #1. The sunset to the left, the rainbow to the right, and the lightening was behind the property.
 4. This pic seems like it's in a filter... but I swear it was one of those days where the light outside was a funky yellow. My camera was on 'Cloudy' setting and it gave the most accurate image showing the color of the atmosphere.
 5. This was our last Supermoon. The moon is rising right over the opening between our property and a neighboring field which is at least half marsh in the spring. The hawks just love to dive and swoop here.

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